OFFDEM 0x02 follow-up

You are probably here because you scanned a QR code that was handed to you, obtained from your attendance at OFFDEM O₂, or from your direct connection to someone who attended. This is great! We’re going to discuss the aftermath of the third edition and work towards an new edition next year in 012023 HE, in the fringe of Europe…

Coming Days

OFFDEM O₂ is over. You’re tired, and you’re spiraled down into the usual vortex—including the current war situation. But the following days will determine an impulse for next year, after these inspiring days.

We’re planning to use two weeks after OFFDEM to digest what we achieved together.
Then we’ll use the (big) week from Pi day (2022-03-14) to Passage day (2022-03-23) for public diffraction of our experience, and start a year-long discussion towards next OFFDEM.

OFFDEM O₂ was the last OFFDEM in Brussels. We feel that it’s time to decentralize and fork away from the FOSDEM origin, especially as 1) we made 2 OFFDEM editions in person, while they were not around; and 2) we believe in smaller events stigmergically informing each other through the Internet.

Next This Year

Therefore, for 2023 we must

  • choose a place → Brussels, Volta, if this works with @Said
  • deepen topics

What makes a great distributed series of offline events?

A post was merged into an existing topic: OFFDEM, the OFFline Developer European Meeting

Proposition for this year’s OFFDEM…

Ozone Fast Forward… Decolonizing Europe Matters.


Are you with us @Said?