Bring the Noise! (AKA DJ Corner)

Let’s talk about sound and bringing a nice vibe to the party.

I know a few people mentioned they would like to DJ, so here it is. Make this wiki useful for yourselves!

Available DJs

Add yourself to the table @ada_l, @lynx, etc.

Who Genre Willing to play when?
@joostvb eclectic, see DJ joostvb sat during dinner, sat early evening
@Ada_L from hyperpop to cyberpunk, and other glitchy music whenever
Papyrové Houby ambient livecoding opening

Available Sound System

Do we have something in BXL we can use, from @jean-baptiste, Aurel ou la 404?

Venues and Times

On saturday early evening there could be music @ offdem venue.

On saturday late evening there’s bytenight @ hsbxl.

Party Time!

So, you want to dance? Respond to this topic and volunteer to help setup and teardown!

Hey !

I’d love to play some music indeed (I can’t edit your wiki tho, could be because I wasn’t signed on already). I don’t have my playlist ready yet but I think I will go from hyperpop to cyberpunk, including more-or-less glitchy music :wink:

I can also help for the setup or teardown !

PS : Yeepee, our friend Papyrové Houby is in to come and play her livecoding performance !

So cool to see the noise corner taking shape!
Looking forward for hearing your performances.

I want to dance and can help with the setup (teardown is a bit unlikely as I probably won’t last very long :older_adult:)

Dear DJs we are looking at the space we have for sound and maybe we have been to moderate a bit our propositions, since we decided to move space to have more capacity to host the day sessions. In the new space we need to finish early around 21h30.

This still leaves us enough time to host Papyrové Houby live coding session and small djsets.

We would need some information:

  • Papyrové How long does the livecoding last.
  • @Ada_L maybe your set might go after but preferably keep it soft as it will still be early.
  • @joostvb would it be fine for you to be early playing during dinner

The evening proposition would be such:

18h30 the invening starts slowly
19h00 a small collation is served (soup and bread)
@joostvb cool playing to start during dinner
Papyrové Houby follows with live coding
@Ada_L can finish the OFFDEM chill out

Then the proposition would be to move to bytenight organised every year at HSBL and those who want to continue playing maybe you can subscribe to their DJ set.
Bytenight is usually a small and very packed event where those whom are not attending official FOSDEM events join afterhours. Expect beer music people, quite easy going and messy.
If my memory is good the space is accessible only via stairs.

Hi nat,

Yes, I’d be happy to DJ starting during dinner on saturday evening. I plan to
attend and DJ @ bytenight too, so would have to leave for hsbxl at, i guess,
around 20.00.

Looking forward to meeting!

Thanks for the invitation, Bye,


IMO Bytenight willl be quite empty before 10pm.

I am thinking we should close the entrance on saturday around 18h00 as we do not want people from FOSDEM to show up and chill out because they have nothing else to do 2 reasons for this:

  • There might be way to many people showing up and it would overwhelm us and be disrespectful to the people living in the space.
  • We consider OFFDEM as a working place and the evening party is set to bind us and play, we want people to attend the day conversations and not join only for the party.

I should ask VSP (the collective who is hoating us) to help us close the entrance door for newcomers at 18h00

@natacha makes sense for me as well.

HI i’m louison,

We organize with some people around a sound system.
We can offer to sonorise the event, and if it can goes in the planning, offer a little lesson around REW (a free software) to measure performance of the speakers.

Let me know if it can goes inside the planning.

Otoh, wouldn’t a party-like event be a low tresh-hold way for newcomers to have
a peek and see what these non-FOSDEM people are up to? Such interested people
could just have a short look and check wether they like the “temperature of the

My € 0,02. Anyway, I can live with any decision on this :slight_smile:

C U, Bye,


I fully agree in principle, however there are thousand of people hanging around FOSDEM and many who become available on saturday around 6pm so out of respect for the people hosting us, and also because we want to preserve our energy and not manage party goers, we should clearly limit the flow of newcomers.
There is a possibility of organising a party in another occupation nearby, at zone neutre, as they do have a basement but that is a whole other endeavor and it might conflict with bytenight. We are thinking on proposing this on sunday evening what do you think?

REW - Room EQ Wizard End User License Agreement says it’s not free software: you do not have access to the source code, you cannot redistribute the code without prior consent of the author, etc. This EULA is for freeware (gratis software) not for free software (libre software). The fact the author writes “free software” on the homepage does not make it so, and it makes it difficult for other people to understand the difference.

@Ada_L @kasper @joostvb and Papirové Houby please post here the material we can use to announce your participation in the program, images, names Motos, what ever you feel like communicating.

Please announce me as: DJ joostvb . style: eclectic . I don’t have any visual stuff available now, sorry. Thanks! A bientot, salut, Joost


I fully agree in principle, however there are thousand of people hanging
around FOSDEM and many who become available on saturday around 6pm so out of
respect for the people hosting us, and also because we want to preserve our
energy and not manage party goers, we should clearly limit the flow of

Sure, sounds reasonable, thanks.

There is a possibility of organising a party in another occupation nearby, at
zone neutre, as they do have a basement but that is a whole other endeavor
and it might conflict with bytenight. We are thinking on proposing this on
sunday evening what do you think?

On sunday afternoon I have to leave brussels again, so cannot participate
sunday evening.

C U! Ciao,


Kermess Panik sound system will sound the DJ corner.
We also will offer a small workshop around sound mesures with REW (room EQ wizard).
We will install the system between 12h and 3h, so the workshop will take place during this time.

image to communicate.

@Ada_L will you be in Brussels already for the Launch party? See below:

Anyone else interested in DJing on Friday night should reply to @tharyrok over there.

Michelle Lagrande (people pleaser, Strasbourg)

Half-fem/half-shell, Michelle Lagrande is a nerd bitch on the dancefloors. She turns up people’s parties with her micro-SD card filled with (trans)feminist bangers, international grooves and glitchy tunes to please her audience while raising fists.

Papyrové Houby will give me her extra infos today, i’ll post them here ASAP

sorry, can’t make it tonight: was a bit too hectic today, have to get me some sleep.
hope to see you again tomorrow/sunday!
DJ joostvb