Directions to O₅F₂FDEM

O₅F₂FDEM Location Confirmed

Thanks to our friends at Zone Neutre Roza Nera we have a confirmed location for #OFFDEM. It’s an undocumented citizens’ occupation, as usual.

The address is: Avenue Georges Henri, 451 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert


Located nearby the Parc du Cinquantenaire in the Georges Henri – Merode – Montgomery triangle, O₅F₂FDEM venue is very well deserved by public transportation.

Brussels transport maps

Network and district maps - STIB - MIVB


  • Bus lines 27, 61 and 80
  • Metro lines 1 and 5 (exit 2 or 8)
  • Train lines S4 and S7

Neighbourhood map (PQ800_Merode.pdf) (1.5 MB)

Georges Henri

  • Bus lines 27, 28 and 80
  • Tram 25 (exit 4 – 20 minutes from FOSDEM), and 7

Neighbourhood map (PQ800_GeorgesHenri.pdf) (1.1 MB)

Directions from FOSDEM

It’s a direct tram trip from the Solbosch campus: you can take tram line 25 going down, and stop at Georges Henri (see above). It’s a 20 minute journey.

You can take the opportunity to stroll in the Parc du Cinquantenaire nearby.