We are Connie & Benjamin and we’d like to come offer some help with documenting at OFFDEM.
We’re a part of the third place movement where documentation and collective note-taking is prevalent and used for open knowledge and transmission. There are a lot of interesting topics at OFFDEM and we would love to help out. We may stay away from images unless requested and we were wondering if cryptpad or similar use is ok.
Anyhow, let us know how we could be of help.
We plan to be in Brussels From Friday the 4th of March until the 6th Sunday evening.
Amazing! Please be very welcome,
Maybe you also have interest in the card deck petites singularités pubished a few years ago 3TS (stands for 3rd technoscape) https://3ts.lesoiseaux.io/
There will be some examplaries onsite.
Thank you so much bothe of you for the amazing and so usefull work.
I do’nt know if the information reached to you:
Next THX residency will happen mid july in Euskadi and will be announced very soon. It feels the documentation gathered during OFFDEM should be part of the next THX material and be reworked for the associated publication.
I hope you’ll have time to join in very different conditions (sun and river will be programmed also).
A number of OFFDEM O₂ pads have triple question marks ??? matching parts where the scribe could not figure what was said (often people or software names). It would be useful that knowledgeable people go through them and fill in the blanks. I’m hopeful that we can make some interesting contributions to the wider community from these great note-taking.
Thank you so much.
My mind just remembered that the first intention was to do DREAM Demo and Radical media together and finally you did much more (as usual cause that’s the way you are). You did great things!