Donate to OFFDEM

OFFDEM is currently accepting donations via bank transfers to petites singularités’s bank account: IBAN: BE16 3630 1548 4674 .

All donations to OFFDEM remain anonymous by default unless you express the wish to make it public and nominative (see below).

How to transfer monies to OFFDEM?

  1. You should verify the IBAN before sending money!
  2. Send a bank transfer to the IBAN listed above with OFFDEM in the communication.
    • If you wish to be listed on this page, please add public to your donation’s communication, and/or the handle you want to use[1].
  3. Enjoy good fortune!

You may also try this Stripe payment link: it offers a pay-what-you-want form. Payments go to petites singularités, for OFFDEM.

Current Balance and Shout Outs!

Please see replies to this topic for the current state of donations to OFFDEM.

You may also follow on the Fediverse to receive latest updates.

  1. Bank transfer communication fields are somewhat limited, so if you mention public in you communication, we’ll use the relevant name from the bank account. If you want to keep that private, you can as well send a private message here to @infodesk and mention the topic number from the message containing the correct handle. ↩︎

As mentioned in First donation received!, we have received our first donation two days ago.

Today we received another donation of 200 € by bank transfer (no commission). Thank you generous anonymous donor!

:balance_scale: Current balance: 212.67 € :euro:

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