Icebreaker @ OFFDEM

Hi all,

Incase you still have slots for Offdem, Id like to do a presentation.

Ive done a fair few presentations over the last year (and Ive got a
video talk at Fosdem this year too)

I havent had the chance to visit Offdem, given the cost of a second
child and my obligations running Bytenight (c/o HSBXL).
However, knowing both your network and the technology stack of
NGIO/NLNet type groups I know Ill be at home.

While my work with (NLNet funded) Icebreaker and my decade developing my
‘Recursive Modelling Language’ Qiuy there are a lot of angles - each
with tradeoff.

I guess Id pitch a talk closer to my Newline talk, whereby I give a
history of the project and how radical the design decisions are (“Ive
never heard of TXR being used in anger before!” was one piece of
feedback given). Id like to speculate on a lot of wider key areas - as
well as update my activities since September’s last public presentation.

Given that Qiuy is edging closer towards federated services and RDF this
should be interesting enough for a heterogeneous audience.

If there is information you need or if you have questions then just ask.

FWIW, my time is incredibly precious atm, given that I have to:
Apply for an NGIO fund prior to February
I have committments with both Guix Days; Minimalist and Declarative
Programming Devroom (Fosdem); Bytenight (HSBXL)
I can try to be as flexible as can be but this can create pressures on
my other commitments.

Additionally, I mentioned that I could help with DJing on Friday, please
update me should this interest you.

Previous talks (2022):
SmellyHTTP? HeyGemini!

A breakdown of the relative advantages of the Gemini protocol over Http
in terms of complexity. Includes using Guix packages for comparing the
minimalist package environment of Gemini tools.

Knowledge Management Through Minimal Syntaxes: Appreciating How Terse
Syntaxes Are Capable of Being Combined In Unexpected Ways

Impressionist look at minimalist syntaxes, and how it is possible to
combine them.

From the perspective of the formats Gemtext and Hyperbole. Includes the
interoperability of TXR syntax inside Gemtext documents, and the abilty
to ‘compile’ TXR laced Gemtext documents implicitly, without any
additional coding.

Annotate Yr’self

Monologue concerning the consternations of knowledge management, and the
use of notations as a modern alternative to the potential of social
bookmarking - with the underpinning of terse interfaces and search
Knowledge management and problem solving through combining terse

Overview of the Icebreaker knowledge management environment, as a suite
of interlocking formats and tools - backed by the use of Qiuy
L’Union Qiuy fait la force

Breakdown of the atomic nature of Qiuy as an annotation for noting.
Demonstration of its functionality in a directory pathway form.
Articulation of some of its potential, including with regards to graphs;
interfaces; and as a currency of knowledge recall.
Git forges

We (still) don’t do presentations at OFFDEM but there is a discussion on low-energy SBC-based backups and mirroring, and other low-energy services where Gemini experience is very welcome.

There’s another, more forward-looking technical discussion about distributed systems where minimal syntaxes have a place as well.

Stay tuned!