Let's meet: preparatory meeting!

Hey everyone!

The credentials are

  • username: your nickname
  • password: Roza Nera

If you’re interested in participating to this edition of OFFDEM in any way, we will hold a preparatory meeting with a Q&A session on tuesday, from 5pm to 6:30pm CET.

Since some of you are deaf, we will make our best to take extensive (pseudonymised) notes on this pad :slight_smile:


Thank you for the proposal!
I’m enthusiastic about it but just recently found out and never participated before.
Is it a virtual prep meeting?

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We can use the Galène room. Actually one could just hangout there and chat with others as they come.

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Welcome here :slight_smile:

Precisely! Some coordination and Q&A. Feel free to join in!
I added the room and the credentials in the first post above.

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Hi all! I would have been super happy and interested in joining, but unfortunately I cannot in that timeframe.

I have a few questions to ask, but maybe we’ll directly meet in Brx!


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Hi Tommi,
Please feel free to ask any question on the forum, in the dedicated section for this year’s offdem: O₅F₂FDEM

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OFFDEM 0x05 - pre-meeting


  • Welcome round
  • Practical infos
    • venue
    • launch party
    • food
    • accomodation
    • transport
    • chatrooms
    • network
    • accessibility
  • Call for Presence
    • round of proposals
    • sorting out the forum
    • work groups
    • schedule
  • Q&A

Welcome round

  • ada: part of the OFFDEM team since a few years now
    • fr : fait partie de l’équipe OFFDEM depuis quelques années déjà
  • vesna: handle “becha”, from amsterdam, went to multiple offdem, part of the “awareness” team. No proposal on her own but will attend workshops as always
    • fr : handle « becha », d’amsterdam, a participé à plusieurs offdem, au sein de l’équipe « awareness ». Elle n’a pas fait de proposition de son côté, mais participera à des ateliers comme toujours.
  • snoopy: deaf person, My name is Antoine. I’m Deaf and i work with 2 NGO : s2s, and marsnet. I often work with Hocine and i live in Montpellier in France.
    • fr : personne sourde, Je m’appelle Antoine. Je suis sourd et je travaille avec 2 ONG : s2s, et marsnet. Je travaille souvent avec Hocine et je vis à Montpellier en France.
  • aka (they/them): not sure if they will attend, especially if they’re the only interpreter. We need to think more about this beforehand.
    • fr : pas sûr qu’ils soient présents, surtout s’ils sont les seuls interprètes. Nous devons y réfléchir davantage à l’avance.
    • ada: maybe we can organize a dedicated meeting about sign language interpretation
      • fr : nous pourrions peut-être organiser une réunion consacrée à l’interprétation en langue des signes
  • seejayer, Hocine: from Toulouse
  • Nikos from Greece
  • flo : from Marseille, France. Work with the NGO ASSODEV-MARSNET decicated to free software / FLOSS digital for non profit organisation or collectives and servers management and membre of CHATONS.I have already taken part in 3 OFFDEMs and I have a severe/deep hearing problem.
    • fr: de Marseille, France. Je travaille avec l’ONG ASSODEV-MARSNET dédiée aux logiciels libres / numérique libre et les association ou collectifs et à la gestion des serveurs et l’association est membre de CHATONS. J’ai déjà participé à 3 OFFDEM et j’ai un problème d’audition sévère/profond.

Practical infos

  • venue
    • Zone Neutre Rosa Nera
    • Avenue Georges Henri, 451 1200 Woluwe-Saint-Lambert
    • https://oxygen.offdem.net/t/offdem-location/420/9?u=ada_l
    • Metro Merode
    • accessible from FOSDEM by transport
      • by tram 25, stop Georges Henri, avoding to change into metro in Montgomery.
    • pretty cold → we will have to get a gas heater
      • fr : nous devrons nous procurer un chauffage au gaz
    • ada: will be there from next week to prepare the place, when will you arrive?
      • Nikos: saturday morning!
      • becha: saturday morning
      • flo : saturday morning
  • launch party (friday evening)
    • caldarium
      • Rue de Wautier 121, 1020 Laeken
  • food
    • launch party: MicroCheapFx & friends (us)
    • saturday and sunday noon: Délices Afghans
    • saturday and sunday evening: Zone Neutre (moroccan food)
  • accomodation
    • beds: some possibility to sleep in the building but it will be quite cold.
    • people:
  • chatrooms
  • network
  • accessibily
    • flo2marsnet : I’ve already been to offdem 3 times, the 1st time I didn’t understand anything because of my hearing disability, the 2nd time I asked for notes to be made on a pad, and this was done so it was great, I was also able to translate with deepl and the 3rd time nobody took any notes on the pad, so I didn’t understand anything…
      conclusion: it would be great to organise notes taken by more than one person on a pad, plus it allows translation for those who don’t speak the language.
      :+1: we will be much more carefull about that this time
      fr : conclusion : ce serait génial d’organiser les notes prises par plus d’une personne sur un bloc-notes, en plus cela permet de traduire pour ceux qui ne parlent pas la langue.
      We can also use a mic with transcription app : live caption
      flo :great let’s do that also :slight_smile: Très bien, faisons-le aussi :slight_smile:

ok i already had an account on the forum with flo2marsnet

Call for Presence

  • round of proposals / propositions
  • work groups
  • sorting out the forum → TBD
  • schedule
    • week-1 : build-up, preparation
    • friday:
      • launch party (Caldarium) from 7pm to ~1am
    • saturday & sunday:
      • 09:00 - breakfast
      • 10:00 - opening GA
      • 11:00 - morning Work Groups
      • 13:00 - lunch (Afghan food)
      • 14:00 - afternoon Work Groups
      • 18:00 - closing GA
      • 19:00 - party
    • monday:
      • 11:00 - teardown

Questions and Answers

  • can I stay in the occupation from sunday 18:00 to monday 04:00?
    • a priori yes, no problem
  • flo2marsnet how can deaf people and hard of hearing people be sure to understand ?
    • fr : comment les personnes sourdes ou ayant des difficultés à entendre peuvent-ils être sûrs de comprendre ?
    • we will put much more efforts on the notetaking and we can also try out some new tools
      • fr nous allons consacrer beaucoup plus d’efforts à la prise de notes et nous pourrons également essayer de nouveaux outils
  • Nikos: any plans to speak about creating local (county/town) groups for free software activism? Has a conversation about the subject happened in a previous OFFDEM?
    • fr Nikos : est-il prévu de parler de la création de groupes locaux (comté/ville) pour l’activisme en matière de logiciels libres ? Une conversation sur ce sujet a-t-elle déjà eu lieu lors d’un précédent OFFDEM ?
    • not sure
    • https://hackerspaces.be - https://hackerspaces.net
    • becha: I can help with collecting/documenting various regional activist organisations
  • flo2marsnet: when is the next meeting?
    • supposedly in Bxl
    • in between we can keep chatting by text on the forum or the chat groups for quick conversations
  • is there a Signal or element group?
  • flo : Where can we put and see the workshop / Work Groups proposals?
    • fr Ou peut-on mettre et voir les proposition d’ateliers / groupe de travail ?
    • on the forum, you need to apply to @offdem.0x05.

What? Shit. I had no clue this meeting was taking place.

Oh, and this is public… WTF


Wrong group. You mean @offdem.0x05

?! But… you answered the poll and replied 3 days ago and we even set up the room for it together? I don’t understand what happened:

I guess you need some proper rest. Take care!

Yes sorry I fixed it, I thought about it afterwards…

Ah yes indeed, fixed.

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I dunno, I remained with the crabfit and never came back.

Hey @Ada_L @natacha @how, I don’t really know where to write this, but I am going to be in Bruxelles since Tuesday 28th already, so you can count on me if you need any sort of help on location!

Signal: @tommi.28.



Amazing, we will reach out as we clear out what has to be done, but certainly need some help. Welcome

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Hello! I would be interested to join you tonight, is it possible and can I contribute anything?

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Hi! Tonight is Pentaoxygen Launch party at Caldarium bu if you want to help setting up the network for the weekend you can go to zone neutre by 16:00

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