Next OFFDEM(s)

In June we’re going to try and setup an O₄FFDEM Oaxaca (OxACAB?) and envision O₅FFDEM in Brussels and elsewhere.

It will also be time to share Summer events related to the various working groups. Recent contacts made through the Hispanophone network and the Balkans may energize the WGs. For example Hack₂O should be activated this Summer, around upcoming gathering in various place, including Eastern Serbia. Kritical Mesh Ins could become a WG itself, notably with the perspective of Oaxaca. I’m still immensely curious to see what can come up with the circle from source materials to e-Waste, since it provides a critical regard to the lifecycle of machines. Bonds have been created at last OFFDEM and should be strengthened, announcing relevant militant events this Summer, opening opportunities to reach out to more social movements. THX will continue working to Demilitarize the world ; last workshop during Eukairos encounters of militant speculative fiction brought several insights on the (illegal) arms transit through Belgium to Israel using OSINT – the national Press mentioned the ongoing scandal documented by Vredesactie.

The first weekend of February 2025 will take place on Saturday 1st, and Sunday 2nd.