
The domain name is going to expire the day after OFFDEM.

Normally I would renew it automatically, but I think that, like with the organization team, it would be more important to discuss that we actually want that as a collective. So here’s a reminder to take care of this domain at the end of O₄FFDEM.

Renew :offdem:


Thank you for sharing this important point.

As I think it’s important to continue, in a ‘distributed’ way, and also as I’m involved (‘bias of affection’) and also as I want to contribute afterwards (in Brussels and also with OFFDEMs elsewhere), I say that I’m in favour of renewing.

However, from my point of view, this is only desirable if a number of people take responsibility for it (apart from minor peculiarities) and if the keys to the trolleys are shared out.

Yes, this is here the Main Point: ‘…as a collective’.


Yes, +1 Thanks, and +++ pixie points for bringing this up. Such things are normally taken for granted.

Unfortunately even now still in 2024, there is still no way to “own” a domain, one can only rent it.

I’ve brought this up various times over the years and my impression is that nobody else really seems to perceive a problem. Seems like such a simple thing to fix, were there only the will to do so.

Not that I’m going to send flowers to EFF, but there was a time one would have imagined that extortion free SSL certs were also impossible/unneeded.

I for one would love to see the downfall of the DNS virtual real-estate industry. But for now, unless everybody in the community is willing to make the minor configuration adjustments necessary to support free (as in not paid) domain names, I suppose there is little choice but to pay the renewal of the domain to gandi.

The GNU Name System has published an RFC:

You can actually ‘own’ a GNS domain and it will appear at something.gns.alt (according to RFC9476).

It’s certainly not widespread now, but this is something we could work on fixing collectively. :wink:

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According to some analysts, global DNS “industry” was worth USD $8 billion, in 2021.

Another thing that I feel could use support is Welcome to the OpenNIC Wiki [OpenNIC Wiki]


Hiho all,

Just to make sure we’re good, as it seems we’ll need the domain name for the post-offdem discussion: has it been renewed?

Looks like it has been extended for two more years :fist:


Done. Yes, :ps: took two more years so we don’t have to think about it for at least another OFFDEM in BXL.


Related to the start of the thread, ICYMI: a call for interest to create a collaborative/collective registrar.