I am wondering a bit, specially around “do we spread the world about OFFDEM?”. In other words, what do you want for external communication and how many people (upcoming from which social bubbles) do we desire?
Is this a “small is beautiful” edition?
Is this an open edition with attendees limit?
And in other hand from the same body,
Would we like to “promote” OFFDEM CFP more widely?
What are the boundaries?
What could go wrong?
In my mind, I was thinking to create an “event” Hackerspace’s Wiki and also to send a message in [Spectre] mailing list.
Just a thought here, nothing else. That’s why I am asking your floodlight before going further.
I think OFFDEM should be promoted so that people know about its existence and can check documentation and forum from where they are.
Yes its a good idea tosend to mailing lists, create events on hackerspace wiki, @how has done it for the past years not sure it has already been done for this year.
I am confident that in all cases the event will stay confidential, how ever we already had a fez nice and interesting confirmations. Although is to be noted that FOSDEM is organised online there will be few foreign people intown however some are coming specially for OFFDEM.
Last but not least the space hosting us is very large so with many different rooms, we can acomodate a number of small groups if necessary.