O'micron is quick

Ok, not sure if it is a biased viewpoint, but I feel Omicron is all over the place and spreading super quickly it feels everyone is sick around… Apparently it is not as dangerous as previous versions, but it is everywhere.
It will probably go quick and chances are that many people will not be sick anymore beginning of february.

I am wondering if it would be a good idea to postpone OFFDEM by one month until the first week-end of march.

  • It will allow us to better organise
  • This year FOSDEM is online again, therefore FOSDEM participants are not coming to Brussels anyways, and this would allow maybe for some people to join who would have been otherwise taken by online event.
  • It will certainly feel more peacefull as we will be a bit more distant from the crazy period of sickness.

What do people think feedbacl welcome… I will equally make such a post on DREAM forum and OFFDEM deltachat channel

Indeed there’s no urgency to stick to the FOSDEM dates. It might even bring people to the city that will have attended FOSDEM online.

It’s important to have this discussion especially as participants can reschedule their journeys. Somewhere around 21st of March would be best if we like to stick to Spring. Best to lookup anyway scheduled dates for other events and chose the best dates for our people.

So we seem to have a consensus around the first week-end of March, which happens to be 5 and 6, as for February, delaying the event one month.

By the way,
shall we extend CFP deadline too?

And according to misterfish, what about adding “some kind of masking policy and a good plan for ventilation.” in event description?

C’est bien de conserver la date de rendu au 20 janvier, cela permet de voir qui est engagé. On pourra toujours la repousser jusque fin janvier ou mi-février.

Nous avons déjà eu des dispositions vis à vis des règles sanitaires en 2021, il serait bon de les travailler un peu. Pas sûr de vouloir passer 2 jours avec un masque sur la tronche, mais j’aurai mon système immunitaire à fond, donc cela ne compte pas. :stuck_out_tongue: Il faut aussi s’accorder avec les règles locales également.