This was received from “Sablon”. I guess this is a proposal to discuss accessibility of the deaf community in free software. The Subject is probably not adapted and came from a previous email discussion.
Hocine and me have a nice project about sign language. We’d be very glad to talk about it
Of course we don’t do talks at OFFDEM, so you might want to organize
something about it… Would you like to describe it a bit more?
I met Hocine at 37c3 and I saw he was busy gathering people around a
deaf meetup there, which I could not attend unfortunately as I did not
find the place in time. It was a closed room and I was instructed to go
to an open space, where I did not see anyone signing
Please tell us more! (So we can as well change the topic to something
more suitable.
I have historically proposed building on this to aid accessibility, so would be more than happy to speculate if needs be.
(fwiw, I was aghast when I discovered that the talk had been registered as “l’union qui…” - as while this was originally a wordplay that I conceived previously as a Belgian resident I was appalled to imagine that I could be using the Belgian motto to tease/embarrass my French hosts).
LSF is French Sign Language.
It is the sign langage used by a part of deaf from France and a part of deaf from Swizterland. LSF is a whole langage and the basis for deaf identity and deaf culture.
Many videos exists in french sign langage, and they are spread among Youtube, Dailymotion, Viemo and other websites among a ton of video for hearing people.
The S2S project wants to gather what is scattered;)
We must convice individuals, foundations, companies and institions who already post accessible videos among various website, to also post a copy of their videos on the website
The S2S website consists only of videos accessible to deaf people.
We think it’ cool to have a place with only accessible content.