Registration (raaf's)

Hi, I would like to register for the event. If it is possible to still contribute (for instance if a talk / workshop is suddenly cancelled), I would like to contribute by giving a small talk based on something I recently wrote: An Ontology Of Electronic Waste | The Anarchist Library


Welcome Maurits, we do not do individual presentations at OFFDEM only group conversation.
We welcome your contribution, please check the forum for details.

I’m not sure but I assume it is possible to suggest a WG and see if anyone is willing to join? I’ve tried to find more information but can’t find it. Could you help me find the right thread / wiki entry?

Hi @Raaf and welcome, check out the program and you will see the differents topics of focus.
Yes you can come to the morning assembly and suggest a workgroup.

Understood and thank you! Looking forward to meet all of you tomorrow.