

i would like to present a very unique password manager: sphinx. however since
the pandemic is still in full swing i would only do so remotely if that is

here is a blogpost that links to a lot of extra info in case you want to find
out more about sphinx: ~stef/blog/ - sphinx


Hi @stef thanks much for the great proposal, superwelcomed however the best tool we have for remote participation is our platform, hopefully exchanges can happen here, feel free to upload material, we can view it asynchronously and feedback on it. Unfortunately we cannot ensure remote live participation as we focus on onsite engagement and dealing with remote live participants strongly impacts the onsite encounter. In all cases, it would be amazing that other occurrences of OFFDEM happen elsewhere in a decentralised way.

hey nat,

Unfortunately we cannot ensure remote live participation as we focus on onsite engagement and dealing with remote live participants strongly impacts the onsite encounter.

you do not mention any covid19 policy, do you have any rules protecting people
from infecting each other?

Our safety policy did not change from our first post-COVID19 OFFDEM (https://ps.zoethical.org/pub/why-offdem). We never had a single case to deplore, so far: