Status of - operating free software at scale with kubernetes

At IndieHosters, it has been some years we like linux containers, and more recently kubernetes.
We are always interested to discuss how to reduce the cost and energy to run free software.

We are also, like a lot of people, interested and inspired by yunohost development.

Our ideal revolves around having a kind of yunohost, but that could also scale and be highly available, and self healing.

For all these reasons, we love kubernetes.

We would also love to make a community around

Recently, and it is not really public, we made a partnership with OpenSourcePolitics to host their infrastructure with kubernetes.

With this new project, that is funded, we are back to the drawing board, and it is still messy, but you can find some ideas here:

We’d love to present where we are, what are our plans for the future, and discuss how to collaborate on this plateform for the next years.

See you at offdem Sunday to discuss this topic!