To encourage the use of the current forum and split into topics all the things we have to do, I suggest to create different posts based on this pad content as summarized here under:
- connection Internet
- https://ps.zoethical.org/t/des-tables-et-des-chaises/3143
- https://ps.zoethical.org/t/cuisine/3144
- https://ps.zoethical.org/t/boissons/3145
- toilettes
- matériel pour informatique
- assurance
- nettoyage
- signalisation
- agenda & activités (may be in english)
- espaces utilisables
- https://ps.zoethical.org/t/offdem-team/3039 (qui / quand)
- Sponsoring OFFDEM? (budget)
Is this good for you ?
Is this ok if we work in french for those organization posts ?