O₄FFDEM outcomes

This topic indexes all published pages coming out of the O₄FFDEM work groups.



The Watershed WG was followed up by the creation of forum.hack2o.eu and the formalisation of the Hack₂O initiative.

The Fediversity WG gathered people working on or using federated calendar projects. An article summarized the discussion.

The Kritical Mesh Ins WG discussed current infrastructure issues.

The Radio WG gave birth to several sound productions, including a podcast by the polish radio show Techno Enema. The french-speaking podcast Les mains dans la prise also embeds a report inside OFFDEM.

The Bonding and Ties WG discussed the current ways to keep in touch then splitted in 2 subgroups to go deeper and wider into both intra-collective and inter-collective communication issues.

The Intelligence WG shared concerns, tools and practices of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), mostly in the context of the war in Ukraine.

All along the gathering, the exhibition net. loyalty systems displayed some of the industrial flows feeding the war front ignoring sanctions.

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Here we can gather all public outcomes from this year.

One more blog post (not by me) : Fediversity at O₄FFDEM – Event Federation


I’ve just added it in published page. Thank you @becha <3

Hi everyone from @offdem.0x04 !

In order to move forward to OFFDEM 0x05, we’d like to gather and publish all possible outcomes to keep documenting what all previous editions brought up and avoid losing ourstory. We could just publish notepads (if relevant and not compromising) or at least some resources to extend the discussion. What do you think about that?

Anyone would be up for summarizing/shaping those notes to make them more digestible?

Did OFFDEM help stepping up on some topics? If so, how? Is there any link to further works?