OFFDEM O₂ 2022 − Hospitality & Transportation

After some quick discussions with friends and with more broadly people, I’m landing here with an idea of facilitating and listing many options for upcoming folks in OFFDEM.

To find a place to live when we come from outside Brussels, respecting each individual and choices, with the possibility to live and socialize together, seems to me to be part of the issues of hospitality.

Hence this open discussion here. Feel free to ask questions and/or suggest plans.

Amazing, thanks for starting this conversation, petites singularités can certainly facilitate hosting for people coming from out of Brussels.

  • There is space available at KBC where we can host people who wish to sleep in the occupation.
  • We have plenty of friends who are pleased to host our friends.

About transport:

  • petites singularités can sponsor some train tickets, please ask by any means you feel comfortable with, if this could support you in joining OFFDEM.

One thing that happens a lot when groups come who cannot be hosted at home, is to rent a flat together. There is a community-based hospitality network that could cooperate for the occasion, reachable at

Hi all !
I guess I’ll come from Rennes by train on friday.
And way back on monday.
Any one to travel with me ?

Hi @lfx , nice to read you here :wink:

I will come from Rennes too. But I’ll leave Rennes on March 3rd for Brussels and then come back on March 9th.

Also, I have to drop another try in Open Hospitality Network to find some host/flat for the week in Brussels. @maxlath will be there for week to (if I am right).

Hi everybody!

I’ll be arriving from Berlin by train on Friday (4.3) and am leaving on Tuesday morning (8.3).

Hi @lfx,

Welcome to OFFDEM glad you join, OFFDEM is generously hosted by collectif Zone Neutre in the occupation they maintain since past July, in the former head office of KBC bank.
They proposed to organize dormitories for us with an open contribution, if you wish to be hosted there, please let us know.

me as well (leaving berlin 12:46, cologne 17:09, then cologne 17:41 - brussels 19:35)

I’m looking for a place to stay, 4th->7th (3 nights) – I’ll bring a sleeping bag. dormitory would be fine. (me is vaxed & boostered)

Ha, OK, email vs. forum. Tadaaa. :joy:

Passenger Location Form

Some travelers are required to inform the authorities about where they stay while in Belgium. You may use :ps:’ address:

petites singularités
Avenue Louis Bertrand 28
1030 Schaerbeek

Nuggets from the OFFDEM AMA (boosts welcome!)…

Kids Welcome!

Yes, we are welcoming children. So far 4 of them are coming. They will enjoy a dedicated kids space with babysitters. Their parents can thus enjoy the gathering while their kids are enjoying themselves in a safe environment.

It’s important for the diversity of our community and sanity of our science that we make free software gatherings for all people.

Vegan Food!

Some of us do not eat meat. Some of us do not eat junk food.

Vegan food offers the best compromise for a week-end of sane, nourishing, and tasty food, as we’ve been offering at previous OFFDEM events. Because sitting in front of a computer is hard enough on the body, we take care of our own and provide free price vegan food on premises.

Hi, if I can use a place in the dormitory, that would be great! As mentioned by @XavCC, I’m planning to be in Bruxelles from 2022-03-03 to 2022-03-08. I will bring a sleeping bag and a small mattress in any case, but would gladly use a more comfortable setting if available.

I am arriving from Amsterdam, Friday evening, by train. Anyone else wants to travel together?

About sleeping arrangements: I’m still considering my options. If someone offers to host me, I’d be grateful; I’ll bring the sleeping bag for sharing the accommodation with the group. I’m open to uncertainties, changes of plans & surprises!

Looking forward to meet you all!


I’m traveling by train from Amsterdam on Friday with realitygaps. Haven’t decided on exactly when yet.

So I hope I m not too late but in case it’s possible to be hosted from friday evening to monday morning that would be great. KBC dormitory is fine for me if there is still some space available. I can bring a mattress and a sleeping bag.
If needed I can contribute to the expenses of the space/person which/who will host me.
Also I leave from Rennes @lfx and I will arrive by train in Lille on friday at 3.50pm, I plan to do some hitchhiking to reach Bruxelles form there but if anyone is planning a trip from there let me know (on the way back I will leave at 10am from Lille)


Hi friends, we have organised a dormitory at the place hosting us at KBC
Basically a full floor with matresses clean sheets pillow toilet and water.

  • It’s quite rough but clean and very large it can host somewhere around 10 people.

Just for clarification. When we say “KBC” we’re not talking about the KBC bank building next to the bridge, nor the following “start @ KBC”, but the following one which is occupied! You’ll see OFFDEM stickers all the way, and only on the right gate :slight_smile:

That’s great. you can count me in :slight_smile:

hi, my train is at 17:28 from CS. i have printed all 3 docs onto paper ; i have booked a hotel (my fragile mental & physical health can not stand the roughing-it of the shared dormitory), and i am looking forward to see you all!!