OFFDEM O₂ CFP Extended to 2022-02-12

Greetings from the frozen fringe of Winter freedom.

OFFDEM preparation is well under way and we’re happy to draw an early vision of what will happen at Oxygen. In a nutshell: screen printing call for visual, live radio show, organizational meetings, collaborative software demo and unikernel presentation…

Call for Visuals

We’ll have the great pleasure to host a screen printing workshop with the Hashët collective who provided us with original stickers and tee-shirts in our previous editions.
For this occasion, we’re calling for original OFFDEM visuals: please send us your creations to be screen printed via Mastodon, by replying to this call and mentioning with your stencil design. Our team mates and experienced screen printer partners will select the candidates that most fit the OFFDEM spirit for this year and turn your image into tee-shirts visitors can wear!

Live Source Radio Show

Although OFFDEM has very few online presence, our now customary live radio show with Source and @fredux will be covering OFFDEM on Radio Campus Bruxelles 92.1 MHz on the FM band, and on the Internet.

Organizational Gatherings

Following the inspiring On software syndicalism - Présence Solidaire - THX article, we’re proposing to host gatherings to help people and networks organize around a single actionable commonality:

DREAM / MirageOS: P2P Group Collaboration Meets Unikernels

Social organization in proximity meets Improved security and lower carbon footprint. Promises of a Next Generation Internet for Humans.

  • DREAM aims to explore and bootstrap the next generation of locally-aware, distributed collaborative Internet protocols and applications to empower citizens to act and find agency together, free from alien interference and disinformation. DREAM demo will be the first public demonstration of DREAM software associating P2P protocols and CmRDT-based implementation—also known as operation-based Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDT);
  • Robur Reproducible Builds aims to ease deployment of MirageOS applications (unikernels) in a trustworthy way. The security–in contrast to contemporary UNIX-based services–is vastly improved: not only is the lines of code reduced by two orders of magnitude (leading to a reduced attack surface), also usage of the memory-safe programming language OCaml excludes several attack vectors from the beginning. The carbon footprint of each service is drastically reduced compared to general purpose operating systems, since less code is executed.

Librehosters Meet CHATONS

The Librehosters network was created as an international counterpart of the French CHATONS. OFFDEM brings an opportunity for the two networks to gather and envision future collaboration. MarsNet comes to Brussels to meet their colleagues.

And more…

More gatherings are under way, but we don’t want to spoil all of it at once! :wink:

Extended Call for Participation

Now that you have a better idea what’s cooking, you might want to bring a brick.
We’re glad to announce that we’re waiting for your proposals until February 2nd, 2022, 12 days from now. Given the remaining uncertainty around attendance and safe capacity of the event, we reserve the right to suspend proposals once we reach capacity.

Transport and Hospitality

At OFFDEM we like to host people and collaborate on minimizing the needs for transportation, preferring trains and carpooling to planes. Therefore we have a dedicated topic where people can get informed and self-organize by heading to OFFDEM O₂ 2022 − Hospitality & Transportation.