Welcome to OFFDEM! 👋

We are so glad you joined us.


An intersectional festival about collective practices & free technologies production

Here are some things you can do to get started:

:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your picture and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What is one thing you’d like to be asked about?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!

:handshake: Contribute by commenting, sharing your own perspective, asking questions, or offering feedback in the discussion. Before replying or starting new topics, please review the Community Guidelines.

If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to ask in #feedback or contact the admins.

Caring and Support

If you encounter any problem on the forum, you may contact the hosts of the relevant category, the general infodesk team, or the well-being team. You may also post anonymously to the dedicated community well-being category.

:offdem: If you cannot see the Well-Being category, that means you did not participate enough in this community to reach the required trust level. If you think this is an error, please contact @staff. You can see who’s staff on the about page.

Want to Help?

Check #todo, read around, reply, join host groups, work groups and feel free to start new topics!


Hi! I am Tommi, I am 24, I am from a small village on the Ligurian West coast in Italy, but I currently live in Tallinn. I use male and neutral pronouns. I am an enthusiastic confused oddly queer overwhelmed overwhelming but sensitive person.

I try not to introduce myself based on what I do, but rather focus on who I am. Nevertheless, I am involved in many community projects and I would say the core of my work and my interests is political technology from many different points of view.

I am very happy and glad to be here, thank you so much for welcoming me :heart:

@tommi@pan.rent on the Fediverse, current main project: Knitting Our Internet :yarn: