An intersectional festival about collective practices & free technologies production.
Why | What | Where
Welcome to the fourth edition of OOO₃FFDEM.
To know more about OFFDEM you can read the manifesto and this year’s CFP.
Common Time
Activities span from Saturday 04 February, 10:00 to Sunday 05 at 20:30.
We have a limited space, be sure to come for the day activities as we might limit entry if too many people join after hours.
A point on methodology
OFFDEM is not a place to present your past year’s work or your own production, but a moment to share perspectives and propose collaborations that will be explored during the coming year(s). Therefore, individual presentations and slides should be minimized to what is required for a common understanding, and will be limited to work groups. If you must start with a presentation, please let’s keep it under 10 minutes. We tried to bring some cohesion to the different proposals, to create situations and moments of discussions towards concrete issues and propositions of organization: emphasizing work groups and conversations.
We therefore propose to start the day with a short general assembly during which we introduce below mentioned thematics ; then we discuss and agree on which workgroups are important to pursue them and split into smaller groups for the rest of the morning, and after lunch. This is a moment when those who wish to present their projects can: we have three beamers, please bring your slides on a USB stick.
The last part of the day we propose to get back together and share our discoveries and determine action points.
Practically we expect you to:
- be present with us at least half a day (in case the proposed timing is impossible for you please tell us we will adapt as much as we can)
- attend the morning GA when your name is written in the talking points below
- attend the defined work groups that will emerge from the discussions
- attend the afternoon GA, or delegate your conclusions to someone in your WG
There’s a single “track”, so that everyone can take the time to meet each other and share transversal perspectives. This year’s transversal topic is decolonization–addressing privilege and power relations in an increasingly militarized world.
Ongoing discussion:
For registration, see: @offdem.0x03
Friday – Early Birds 
Also this year, Launch party at Caldarium for informal get-togethers from 5pm until late at night in the Caldarium. We will move the studio of our Source show which is broadcast on the campus radio (92.1 FM in Brussels) to lend the microphone to those who wish to do so, the show being in French, we will privilege this language if it is possible. A vegetarian spaghetti bolognese is planned for the evening.
This is also where you can pick up your OFFDEM pass in case of overcrowding. Priority is given to registered participants!
Saturday — Local Organization 
We welcome you from 08:30 for a coffee.
Activities start at 10:00 in the morning and from 14:00 in the afternoon.
Saturday | Duration | Action |
morning | .:.: | Chill in |
offdem-topic | Local Organization | |
.: | General Assembly: Introduction | |
.:. | Working Groups | |
.: | Lunch @ VSP | |
afternoon | .:.: | Working Groups |
.:.: | General Assembly: Restitution | |
evening | .: | Dinner |
.:. | Chill out |
8:30 - 10:00 – Chill in
- Café
- Publishing topics
10:00 - 11:00 – GA: Introduction
the first hour will enable a global context for the discussion. Each participant came with concrete proposals and experiences. We cannot make space for all, but we can build a collective intent on these experiences.
Each point should be introduced in 20 minutes, so there is a full hour of introduction covering the day’s topic before the conversation where you will have time to deepen the topics. For each point, we identified a number of people we expect to work together in introducing that part of the topic, given their response to the CFP. Introductions lead to a common discussion to determine which work groups will emerge and their purpose.
Machine as a Social Construction
- Machine as a social construction made out of metal and flesh and community (introduced by @misterfish (Alleycat) and @vecna (Hermes Center))
- Two approaches to collective organization: one focused on our own agency and cooperative means of production ; the other focused on enforcing privacy laws collectively.
- Linked topics:
Means of Organization
Joining Forces
- Joining forces to compose programs that work well together (introduced by our hosts VSP, and @ksenia)
- A collective platform for transmigration support across Europe ; with a look out to high-risk antiwar activism in Russia and lessons learned.
- Linked topics:
11:00 - 12:30 – Work Groups
Following the introductions, we’ll get a finer view or what we want to work on, and can split into work groups, each with a room. Beware: only three beamers available. The constituted work groups will probably have not much time in the morning to get started beyond getting to know each other. They can pursue their inquiry after lunch break.
12:30 - 14:00 – Lunch break
14:00 - 16:00 – WGs
The work groups will be announced in the corridor and on the forum, along with their objectives and pads, so other people may eventually participate. Pads will be used for note taking and translation. Each group work on their topic for two hours before summarizing their conclusions, action points and next steps to the General Assembly.
16:00 - 18:00 – GA
Work Groups come with their conclusions in the Adolfo Kaminsky room.
GA Flow
- First round: 5 minutes per group to summarize what they have been working on.
- Second round: 10 minutes per group to summarize conclusions
- Third round: open discussion and decision on action points.
19:00 - 20:30 – Saturday Night Live
Warm Up Party
A party will be thrown in the evening across the city. See Bring the Noise! (AKA DJ Corner).
After party at the Hackerspace (HSBXL): Bytenight 2023: Finally again!
Sunday — Collective Data Sovereignty 
We welcome you from 08:30 for a coffee.
Activities start at 10:00 in the morning and from 14:00 in the afternoon.
Sunday | Duration | Action |
morning | .:.: | Chill in |
offdem-topic | Collective Data Sovereignty | |
.: | General Assembly: Introduction | |
.:. | Working Groups | |
.: | Lunch @ VSP | |
afternoon | .:.: | Working Groups |
.:.: | General Assembly: Restitution | |
evening | .: | Dinner |
.:. | Chill out |
8:30 - 10:00 – Chill in
- Café
- Affichage des thématiques
10:00 - 11:00
Meet Your Local Tech Collective
- Meet your local tech collective (introduced by ? (GNUragistes, Neutrinet), @flo2mars (Marsnet, CHATONS), @ignifugo (Austici/Inventati))
- State of the Art of sysadmin for local tech collectives serving others. An update on A/I Orange Book, sysadmin craft and the cooperative web.
- Linked topics:
Removing Functionality
- Removing functionality: serene minimalism to save energy (introduced by @inari (, @becha(RIPE), @aral (Small Technology Foundation), @mwfc ())
- Exploring Single-Board Computing backup and mirroring, and low-energy self-hosting alternatives
- Linked topics:
Joining Forces
- Joining forces to compose programs that work well together (introduced by @jfinkhaeuser (Interpeer), @pukkamustard (ERIS), and @rinhia (CCT, NGI0))
- Distributed Authorization for decentralized networks, discussing 2 libraries and complementary situation.
- Perspectives on building blocks for future distributed computing
- Linked topics:
12:30 - 14:00 – Lunch break
14:00 - 16:00 – WGs
16:00 - 18:00 – GA
Work Groups come with their conclusions in the Adolfo Kaminsky room.
GA Flow
- First round: 5 minutes per group to summarize what they have been working on.
- Second round: 10 minutes per group to summarize conclusions
- Third round: open discussion and decision on action points.
In addition to the “Common Time” sessions, there will be some activities for individuals and small groups during the whole week-end:
DIY Bio Rollercoaster
Centrifugation of various liquids on beer coasters.
Build your own centrifuge and then makes run amok the power relations in medical diagnosis and/or biology
Hosts Introduction
Presentation of La Voix des Sans Papiers (VSP) and Collectif Zone Neutre.
Speculate about post-capitalist technology and energy sources.
Live Radio Show with Source
Go live on 92.1 MHz and on the Internet with @fredux.
Next Generation Internet Zero: a European consortium to fund free software.
After Hours Pet Our Elders
Write open letters to prominent figures in our community.
P.S.: Info Booth
A table for petites singularités showing cooperation work, publications and Jeu VidéA
Screenprinting with Hashët
Bring your Tee-shirts and hoodies!
On Monday, for those who stay in Brussels and want to help tear down, you’re welcome!
From Here To 2024
OFFDEM does not stop after the event ends. On the contrary, it will continue under written, online, and participatory forms at other venues. We’ll soon publish more insights about after OFFDEM…