O₄FFDEM Programme

An intersectional festival about collective practices & free technologies production.
Why | What | Where

Common Time

Activities span from Friday 02 February, 18:00 to Sunday 04 in the evening in two places : Caldarium and VSP (details below).

We have a limited space, be sure to come for the day activities as we might limit entry if too many people join after hours.

A point on methodology

OFFDEM is a special event with a specific OFFDEM methodology. Please read it and understand where you’re heading!

There’s a single “track” along different themes and rooms, so that everyone can take the time to meet each other and share transversal perspectives. This year’s transversal topic is demilitarization: a free software concern – sharing means of technological resistance towards a liveful world.

To contribute, please:

Friday – Early Birds :penguin:

This year too, a Launch Party will happen for informal get-togethers from 6pm until late at night in the Caldarium.
This is also where you can pick up your OFFDEM pass in case of overcrowding. Priority is given to registered participants!

Saturday — Local Organization & Collective Data Sovereignty :cat:

We welcome you from 08:30 for a coffee.
Activities start at 10:00 in the morning and from 14:00 in the afternoon.

Saturday Duration Action
morning .:. Chill in
.: General Assembly: Introduction
offdem-topic .:. Working Groups
noon .:. Vegan Lunch @ VSP - As usual, food will be offered as pay-what-you-can.− food for people at a cost of about 15 € per person per day.
afternoon .:.: Working Groups
.: General Assembly: Restitution
evening .: Dinner
.:. Chill out

8:30 - 10:00 – Chill in

  • Café
  • Display of topics

10:00 - 11:00 – GA: Introduction

  • Watersheds follow the path of least resistance: no-border access to life support
  • Fediversity – sharing controversial events in a roughly consensual way
  • Kritical Mesh Ins – resuming autonomous grassroots communication networks when all else fails

11:00 - 12:30 – Work Groups

12:30 - 14:00 – Lunch break

Vegan lunch at VSP

14:00 - 17:00 – Work Groups

17:00 - 18:00 – General Assembly: restitution

Work Groups come with their conclusions in the Adolfo Kaminsky room.

19:00 - 20:30 – Oxozone Party

  • Dinner will be served at 19:30
  • Early Evening Activities
  • Off-site parties are going on in the city (TODO: document options)

Sunday — Growing Strong Bonds, Sharing Intelligence and Joyful Care :sun_with_face:

We welcome you from 08:30 for a coffee.
Activities start at 10:00 in the morning and from 14:00 in the afternoon.

Sunday Duration Action
morning .:.: Chill in
offdem-topic .: Introduction
.:. Working Groups
.: Lunch @ VSP - As usual, food will be offered as pay-what-you-can.− food for people at a cost of about 12 € per person per day.
afternoon .:.: Working Groups
.:.: General Assembly: Restitution
evening .: Dinner
.:. Chill out

8:30 - 10:00 – Chill in

  • Café
  • Display of topics

10:00 - 11:00 Introduction

  • Radio – radio diffusions, radio people, radio bonding accross the world
  • Bonding – tightening bonds towards an ever widening solidarity
  • Intelligence – sharing presence and understanding structure of our technopolitics

11:00 - 12h30 WGs

12:30 - 14:00 – Lunch break

Vegan lunch at VSP

14:00 - 17:00 – WGs

17:00 - 18:00 – GA

Work Groups come with their conclusions in the Adolfo Kaminsky room.


In addition to the “Common Time” sessions, there will be some activities for individuals and small groups during the whole week-end:

Welcoming Desk

At the entrance of the building, a table will display informations about the meeting and hopefully some people will be there to answer your questions or guide you to the relevant persons/places where to find informations.

Kids Space

See the dedicated topic for more informations.

Live Radio

See the dedicated topic for more information.

NGI Zero Grantees Feedback - OFFDEM

Next Generation Internet Zero: NGI grantees feedforth session. If you received NGI funding, come talk to NGI Zero mentors! We’re eager to gather your feedforth.

P.S.: Info Booth

A table for petites singularités showing cooperation work, publications and Jeu VidéA

Screenprinted Hashët Goodies

Unfortunately, our friends from the Hashët collective cannot make it to OFFDEM this time, but they will send us some custom stickers and posters for your enjoyment.



On Monday, for those who stay in Brussels and want to help tear down, you’re welcome!

From Here To 2025

OFFDEM does not stop after the event ends. On the contrary, it will continue under written, online, and participatory forms at other venues. We’ll soon publish more insights about after OFFDEM…